

如果仔细说起PSP为什么会在中国流行,大概可以列出不下一千种理由。可千言万语说到归齐,没有破解的PSP肯定无法成为影音游戏通吃的装X利器,也不会 在街头巷尾地铁公交里成为装机量第一的掌上设备。稍微对PSP熟悉一点的人可能都知道,PSP在2000型之前的时代有着各种美好,所有的自制软件和破解都畅通无阻。后来SONY的CEO来了一趟中国,看到比日本专卖店规模还大的水货电玩批发之后就回去痛下决心,彻底整改PSP的主板构架,愣是把这 机器的破解漏洞给堵上了。导致PSP3000型苦等半年多才等到一个软件漏洞破解。随后就是硬件厂商和破解黑客们之间的战斗,你升级固件,我升级自制软 件,你来我往不亦乐乎。

Mathematics for Computer Graphics

Mathematics for Computer Graphics

Greg Turk, August 1997

“What math should I learn in order to study computer graphics?” This is perhaps the most common general question that students ask me about computer graphics. The answer depends on how deeply you wish to go into the field. If you wish to begin to use off-the-shelf graphics programs then the answer is that you probably do not need to know very much math at all. If you wish to take an introductory course in computer graphics, then you should read the first two sections below for my recommendations (algebra, trigonometry and linear algebra). If you want some day to be a researcher in graphics then I believe that you should consider your mathematics education to be an ongoing process throughout your career.





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